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Fluid Movement

pilates fluid movement

"Contrology is designed to give you suppleness, natural grace, and skill that will be unmistakably reflected in the way you walk, in the way you play, and in the way you work."
~ Joseph Pilates

In these posts, I am using the word "Contrology" (the study of control), Joseph Pilates' name for his methodology. Most people in the know think this is about pelvic and scapular stabilization exercises that require the use of the deeper "core" muscles. Indeed, this is true, but beyond this truth lies something even more important. The discipline of smooth precise movements.

Our bodies have evolved to be fluid in their movements. Suppleness is our natural state. Any textbook description of how our muscles contract will describe how individual muscle fibers as well as whole muscles will "glide" past one another.

In our study of Contrology, we learn to release all excess tension in the body, and use only as much effort as necessary to perform a precise and gradual increase in muscular contraction, from the beginning of any movement until it's end. The result is the most beautiful, graceful, fluid movement, that appears effortless, and in fact, takes less effort than a jerky ballistic movement.
There is an Ancient Greek saying "make haste slowly". The constructive intent of the phrase is that activities should be performed with a proper balance of urgency and diligence. If tasks are overly rushed, mistakes will be made and long term results are not achieved.

Imagine sitting at your desk, in front of your computer all day, and because of the good habits you have developed in the Pilates studio, some small part of your consciousness is constantly checking in, correcting your posture, and releasing any excess tension. Your movements are fluid, graceful, and effortless.

Your breath is full and easy super-oxygenating your blood, thus keeping you more alert. This will have a ripple effect on how you experience life. You'll be more calm, and when confronted with stress, you will take a deep breath and flow. There will be less wear and tear on your body, and you'll be supporting a constructive metabolic state that boosts your immune system, and keeps your body healthy and young.


pilates training videos

Videos about Pilates training in my studio.



pilates training pictures

Pictures taken in my studio of Pilates clients


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$55 per Semi-private Pilates Lesson

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Semi-private instruction (2-3 clients per instructor)

Workouts are by appointment only and each session is one hour.

24 hours notice by phone is required to cancel or reschedule without charge.

Copyright © 2015-2016 Third Coast Pilates. All images and text.